Pekoe definition

Définitions Français : Retrouvez la définition de pekoe. Dictionnaire, définitions, section_expression, conjugaison, synonymes, homonymes, difficultés. Pekoe definition, a superior kind of black tea from Sri Lanka, India, and Java, made from leaves coarser than those used for orange pekoe.

Pekoe definition

Les différents grades du thé sont un mode de classification propre au thé noir qui renseigne le. GFOP (Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe) : thé riche en bourgeons dorés ;; TGFOP (Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe) : contient uniquement. A grade of black tea consisting of the leaves around the buds. Amoy pe’h hô (literally, white down, probably in reference to the whitish hairs on the young leaves ).

Pekoe definition

Meaning, pronunciation, example sentences, and more from Oxford Dictionaries. See words that rhyme with pekoe.

Retrouvez la définition du mot pekoe dans notre dictionnaire en ligne par la-conjugaion. Sri Lanka and India, made from the small leaves at the tips of the stem. Amoy Chinese dialect, dialectal pek-ho. Define orange pekoe: tea made from the smallest and youngest leaves of the shoot. Définition du mot : pekoe (Dictionnaire français) et sa traduction. However, the word "orange" is unrelated to the tea’s flavor. There are two explanations for the meaning of "orange" in Orange Pekoe, though neither is definitive:.

In fact, Orange Pekoe has nothing at all to do with the tea’s flavour. Orange" in Orange Pekoe, none of them definitive. Definition, pronunciation, examples & translations. Student Dictionary One entry found for pekoe.