Kat definition scrabble

Le mot kat est valide au scrabble. Définitions Français : Retrouvez la définition de qat, ainsi que les synonymes. Is it Scrabble dictionary, and What is KAT definition, Anagrams of KAT, Scrabble score for KAT, images of KAT, and words that can be. Liste des mots de 2 lettres et 3 lettres avec un K qui sont bons au jeu de scrabble, ka kan. KA – KAN KAS KAT KEA KEN KET KHI KID KIF KIL KIP KIR KIT KOB KOI. Liste des mots de 2 à 4 lettres du dictionnaire officiel du scrabble qui. KA – KAN KAS KAT KEA KEN KET KHI KID KIF KIL KIP KIR KIT KOB KOI KOP KOT KRU.

Kat definition scrabble

Define kat: a shrub (Catha edulis) of the staff-tree family cultivated in the Middle East and Africa for.

What made you want to look up kat? The definition of kat, the meaning of the word Kat: Is kat a scrabble word? The leaves of the shrub Catha edulis which are chewed. Kat definition, an evergreen shrub, Catha edulis, of Arabia and Africa, the leaves of which are used as a narcotic when chewed or made into a beverage.

Kat definition scrabble

Definition, pronunciation, examples & translations. Lookup the definition of kat synomyns, antonyms, anagrams of the word. What words can be made with kat.

Definition of the word KAT, anagrams from KAT. KAT Scrabble score, KAT Words With Friends score, and sample sentences using the word KAT. L’Officiel du Scrabble (ODS) ou L’Officiel du jeu Scrabble est le dictionnaire officiel du jeu de. OM, TO, UD; 3 lettres : ANI, COM, COX, DAH, DÉO, DZO, FON, KAT, KEN, KET, KOÏ, LED, LUO, NAC, NAN, NIM, SUP, TOF, TOS, UDS. Q et le W) Liste conforme à l’ODS 7. Tous les mots se terminant pas S, X ou Z sont invariables. Anagrams of kat, words that start with kat, and words that can be created from kat. Tirages avec définition des nouveaux mots de 2 et 3 lettres de l’ODS6. AKT, KAT, Arbuste d’Arabie dont les feuilles contiennent une substance hallucinogène.

Details about the word KAT in Scrabble with definitions, examples, synonyms, pronunciation and more. Kat is a 3 letter scrabble word, worth 7 points. What is the chance of getting Kat in a game of scrabble? See the full definition of qat at merriam-webster.