Border width percentage

How to set border-width of an element in percentages? Border doesn’t support percentage. I have one div wrapping another like so.

Border width percentage

Why not just have two DIVs with 50% width each. I want the trapezoid shapes of the borders. Can i add border-width in percentage? No you cant give in percentage.

Border width percentage

But if you tell me the reason why. I am now using these codes to implement the borders on both sides of. For your purposes, it is probably easier just to use a separate wrapper. Lately I’ve been working on a lot of designs that require a percentage, or fixed, border width that is different to the width of the box model for the. Il y a 5 jours – The border-width property is a shorthand property for setting border-top-width, border-right-width, border-bottom-width and border-left-width of. Initial value‎: ‎as each of the properties of the sh. It also applies toCanonical order‎: ‎the unique non-ambiguous o. This is easy enough to accomplish, that is until you start throwing borders into the mix.

Border width percentage

If your columns and total width are set using percentages.

In the following example, there are 4 responsive images set up 4 in a row with 1% margins and 1% padding, which all works and scales just. How to control the thickness of the border using style sheet? The border width can be set in percentage.