Border radius top

La propriété border-top-left-radius définit le rayon de courbure de la bordure pour le coin en haut à gauche de la boîte. Note: The two length or percentage values of the border-top-left-radius properties define the radii of a quarter ellipse that defines the shape of the corner of the. Note: The four values for each radius are given in the order top-left, top-right. Brendan’s answer is correct, but to get it to render in more browsers, you should use. Utilisée dans le raccourci CSS border-radius. La propriété de feuille de style border-top-left-radius CSS est reconnue que par Internet Explore 9+, Chrome 5+.

With just one value, border-radius will the same on all four corners of an. Актуальная версия справочника CSS теперь находится на сайте WebReference. Aller à border-top-radius($radius) ? Round both top corners by amount.

Border radius top

This CSS3 Border Radius generator outputs the code you need to add. This causes the radius of the top left corner to be set to 5px, the top. One of the most keenly-anticipated CSS properties is border-radius.

Set the top-left border radius to 20px, the top-right radius to 5px, the. Because there are two values after the border-radius property, the first value is the radius of the circle that defines the top-left and bottom-right corners of the. Sets or retrieves one or two values that define the radii of the quarter ellipse that defines the shape of the upper-right corner for the outer border edge of the. CSS border-top-left-radius property sets the border radius in the top-left corner. Sets the rounding of the upper left corner of the border. Specifies the radius of a quarter circle or ellipse that forms the top-right corner of the outer-edge of the border area of a box.

It is a general corner-rounding.